People in California who are not United States citizens or who may have friends or family members who are not U.S. citizens know all too well how uncertain their future in the country may feel since the new president and administration came into office. Talk of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, the potential deportation of millions of immigrants and more all contribute to this situation.
While the federal government's future actions are unknown, the state of California is attempting to take at least some matters into its own hands. U.S. News and World Reports indicates that the state is attempting to at least provide health care to all of its residents regardless of citizenship status. This is not actually a completely new effort as California made a step toward this by ensuring that all children had access to health care since 2015.
For adults, however, they may today only receive health care for care related to a pregnancy or an emergency if they do not have private insurance. The state Assembly and Senate have both passed legislation that would extend this care for immigrant adults to all services. The bill is now awaiting the signature of the Governor in order to become law. It is not known when he may sign the bill or when it might take effect.
Some statistics provided by Politico indicate that 60 percent of the state's uninsured residents are actually non-citizens. That figure compares with 22 percent across the country according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
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