Jens Recommends Ronald J. Tasoff
Thank you (and Cinay) for all your help and support the past year. his is all still sinking in. This morning's interview felt like tremendous relief, and office Watss was more than courteous and understanding that I ever imagined the gentlemen of the USCIS to be. This really was the proverbial ("it")?
Just one follow up question. After a long nap, I noticed as I was sorting all my paper this evening that I'm still in possession fo the certified copy of the divorce decree. Was officer Watts support to have kept that, or did he make a coy/keep the photocopy?
Other than that, again I would like to thank you (and Cinay) for your help, support and counsel. Mu case was complex and riddled with carious occurrences of bad timing. Your expertise really helped me through it all. Thanks your outstanding legal counsel I can now finally put a chapter of my life behind me, and spend the holidays with my family in Norway - and return
I would normally say "I'll be back" but don't be offended when I say I hope I'll never need legal advice again :) That being said, if I do run into anyone who does, or if I decide to down route n400, I have Tasoff Tasoff on speed dial.